It infrastructure manager

Vakansiya detalları

  • Şirkət LUKOIL Technology Services GmbH Branch Baku
  • Baxış sayı 273
  • İş növü Tam ştat
  • İş rejimi Ofis
  • Cins İstənilən
  • Yaş aralığı 25 - 45
  • Əmək haqqı Əmək haqqı razılaşma ilədir
  • Təcrübə5 ildən artıq

Vakansiyanı premium et


It infrastructure manager

  • Təhsil: Ali
  • Son müraciət tarixi: 27 yan 2024
  • Bakı, Azərbaycan

İş haqqında

- Service management, Regulation, organization of work, SLA management, vendor management


- No less than 7 years of experience in IT
- Experience in working with vendors and services
- Experience in regulatory document development
- Interaction with IT customers in a group of companies, calculation of the cost of services, calculation between departments
- Microsoft MCSA Certification or above required
- Кnowledge and Experience in basic IT services: Active Directory, LDAP, DNS, DHCP, NTP, FileService
- Knowledge and Experience in network design, routing, firewall, inerconnecting network and SAN devices, next generation solution
- Advanced knowledge and Experience in data center design, data center engineering infrastructure, blade systems, SAN infrastructure, storage systems, Virtual machine management
- Advanced knowledge and Experience in deploing Enterprise applications, integrating applications into enterprise infrastructure, deploing cloud based applications, migration applications to both side, cloud or OnPremises
- Advanced knowledge and Experience in deploing infrastructure management, monitoring solutions, IT Service management, implementation ITSM methodology based on ITIL and COBIT
- Language skills: English: at least upper intermediate level

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